Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tin Can Turned Earrings

    So, I know that cans are recyclable, but why not create something awesome out of them while they are still in your hands? This is upcycling not recycling!

1.) Pick out a can that you find some potential in.

2.) The can that I used was thin enough to cut with scissors. Cut the top and bottom off of the can and cut down the middle to flatten it out and make it easier to work with. (BE CAREFUL CUTTING! WEAR GLOVES IF YOU NEED TO SO THAT YOU DON'T CUT YOURSELF!!!!)

3.) Cut out two rectangles about 1 inch long and 3/4 inch wide.
4.) With pliers, fold over all four edges and flatten them out.
5.) Take a needle or small nail and puncture the tin near the top to make a small hole.
6.) Run a small ring through the hole and then a fish hook earring through the ring. Now you have some earrings that rock!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Bottle Caps Turned Magnets

So, my friends and I enjoy a good beer every now and then but after we are finished with our delicious drinks we are left with lots of bottle caps. I decided to turn some of them into awesome little magnets. They are sure to be a conversation starter if anyone happens to glance at the fridge.

1.) With pliers, turn down four sides of the bottle cap.
2.)Place a piece of fabric underneath the bottle cap so you don't scratch the top of the bottle cap when you are doing step 3.
3.) Flatten down the four sides as well as the corners. Make sure that the bottle cap is as flat as you can make it.
4.) Place a large dot of hot glue in the center of the bottle cap and put the magnet on top of the glue. Squeeze them together!
And there ya have it! Some great new magnets that are cooler than anything you will buy at the store!